Tuesday, July 31, 2007

There's Hope

Quality is not too good. but lyrics are not too bad. :)

Edit: Malaysia, as a unit, has little (almost nil) hope left.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I've just finished watching Nodame Cantabile, a Japanese anime lasting 23 episodes introduced by my *Gyebo!*. =P It is quite a nice series if you're interested in music, i.e Classical music, orchestra and the likes of Debussy, Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, Chopin, and Schubert.

Another movie that I've just watched, though it premiered last year, was Xiaohai bu ben 2 (I not stupid too).
This film is rather good. It carries itself well without being extravagant or unrealistic. It could have been that way. There was humour in it too, and brought me to tears in a few scenes. It's good.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Philanderer

Ain't gonna blog. Picking myself up, being ME again. The M.E before 2006/2007. Slowly, but hopefully, surely. Not going to dwell upon wandering thoughts. Not going to restrict myself for another. Some sacrifices are not really sacrifices if they are not worthwhile.

But still going to love, to share and to care; and to be loved, shared and cared.

There. I blogged anyhow.

gua bukan ipoh mali, gua tapah mali.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The weekend.

The weekend went by rather filled. There were moments i felt so alive, and there were times where i felt being staccato-ed.

I shall just tell the good bits here. But keeping in mind that telling good events do not mean that everything is getting along perfect.

I met up with my friends!!!!! Albeit only 3, but quite good for a weekend away from home, having only a few hours in hand. It was good catching up with Banu and Pratap...on their birthday eve! So, here's to the both of you. Happy Birthday you two! It was too short of a catching up meet that night at Pyramid. Dinner was not really up to par, but the company was more than heartwarming. I wish that I had more time in hand.

Haha, the 2nd meet up with WC was quite funny in my opinion. Plans were vague, seemingly uncertain, but at the end, happened; which was good. I don't think I have ever..EVER..wandered around AIMLESSLy (yes, it's lepak) for that long! Gosh. I surprise myself *_* hehe, well, actually, it's not too shocking for me to have been able to chatter that much. Just that it has been such a long time since i chatted one-to-one for that long. Oooh, and i got my tastebuds on KennyRogers Roasters which i longed for - thanks for going along with my lunchie decision! :p

Sadly, Transformers or Harry Potter 7, or previous shows like F4, Ocean 13, Shrek 3 etc failed to happen. *utmost disappointment* and u know what..wuts with movies and numbers! The list shall be added when Ratatouille is released. =D

and for you guys out there who WOULD fail to notice, i've cut my hair!

Fish Head Curry! a gigantic one. hehe. with little bro.

My dear dear friends.

Playing tourist-tourist. *D

shuly was *shy* take camwhore in times sq. :p

Monday, July 23, 2007

Why do we blog?

There are so many things that i told myself i will blog about. but then, at this point where i am connected and writing, those numerous occasions are vague.

Why do we blog? I have asked myself this. And came up with a few other might-be answers.

We blog as a form of expression. We want to tell others how we feel, and what we have encountered. Instead of repeating your stories to each and every friend, all your friends can just log into your blog site and read how you're doing. It's a form of keeping in touch.

We blog to 'release' all that we have inside. At a point in time, you feel like telling someone, but he or she isn't always there. Getting it out is a form of relief.

We blog to indirectly tell someone out there what or how we actually feel inside. Anger, pent-up frustrations, joy or happiness.

We blog because we are entertainers. The contents of our blog might bring a smile or laughter from readers. Or perhaps tell a thing or two, which can come in handy for that reader.

We blog just because we like the attention, and wish that there were more comments towards our postings to check your popularity ratings.

We like to share our thoughts and experience. You might find out how influential, or not, you are towards others.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Am currently living through the daily tests in life. There are so many incorrect happenings, gone unseen, and others ignored. But the greatest hurdle for me this year has arrived, predictable. As I have said, it was predictable, so I guess I can face it. But what is straining for a break is that I might have disappointed someone. It's just me. I want to be able to shine in his eyes, and be someone..someone he can be proud of. I have failed myself in that terms, because I was not able to do that.

At this point, I don't know how to shape my future. Yes, my nearest future is still malleable, and it depends on me, on how i want to shape this path towards that sketchy and uncertain more distant future. I don't know, I am confused, and I have yet to sit down properly to foresee. I need a place of solitude and tranquility, of comfort and freedom.

Sigh. I like to know what I want. I used to know what I want, and I would strive for it. Not only to make sure I get it, but also, to get the best and go on to better it. Now, I don't know. I am unsure. I do not like this uncertainty.

This is where I am alone. And being an individual of my own, I somewhat have greater strength. But when I fall, I will fall hard. Perhaps I might be able to pick myself up. But I don't think that I would pick myself up into the same situation. Sadly, I am only confined to this situation. What am I to do, I question myself.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

By Astrology.com (yeah, NBTD)
Capricorn & Virgo

When Virgo and Capricorn join together in a love match, theirs is a pragmatic, smart relationship. Both Signs are highly rational, and both expect a lot of themselves and others. Virgo adores Capricorn's dedication and intensity, while Capricorn admires Virgo's intuition and attention to detail. Together they form a solid union based firmly in reality.

This relationship has a strong foundation that is based on material security and a realistic approach to life in general. These Signs don't let their emotions or impulses take over and you can count on both. Virgo can help Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate all they have worked to attain. Capricorn can help Virgo achieve goals and makes dreams a reality through initiation. They live a very comfortable life together.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Mercury is a pragmatic, communicative energy and Saturn a cool energy. Mercury is about being communicative. Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals. Virgo will show Capricorn the virtues of hard work and assist in keeping the relationship, business or home front a well-oiled machine. Capricorn can teach Virgo discipline and the focus needed to achieve goals. Together this couple will share a life of domestic and romantic bliss.

Virgo and Capricorn are both Earth Signs. In addition to order and succinctness, Virgo-Capricorn partners usually surround themselves with tasteful and discriminating possessions. They would rather hold out for perfection than settle for an adequate substitute. Along with their desire to be financially secure, their love of fine things provokes this couple to put in long hours and a tremendous energy toward fulfilling their own and one another's dreams. Additionally, they are a sensible pair, and they rarely have problems caused by one partner's conspicuous consumption.

Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign. Virgo is easily adaptable to any situation and has no problem working with The Goat as long as they have a sufficient role in the project. Capricorn likes the fact that Virgo is entirely dedicated to the relationship. Capricorn can offer viewpoints to the relationship that Virgo never would have considered on their own. Capricorn will start new projects that Virgo will enjoy taking over later. This relationship will work out if Capricorn can initiate ideas and Virgo can continue them.

What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Capricorn relationship? It's their amazing dedication, and to similar goals. Both partners enjoy security and material objects, and work very well together to achieve their goals -- especially if the goal involves shared resources. Their mutual interests make theirs a highly pleasant relationship.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Edit: Realised it was Friday 13th.

there has been quite a few occasions when i wanted to pen my fleet of thoughts which came to mind at moments, just that i didn't have my (hopefully) faithful laptop with me, assuming the presence of internet, WiFi presumingly.

i think people who have pets and love them, are responsible people. i never fail to be impressed, especially guys, who takes the effort to look after these animals and caring for them. There is this passion in their eyes and personality which are simply seductive. Especially so when the pets are furry cute animals, eg hamsters and dogs/puppies.

Money. Simon Cowell said that it is a form of motivation for him; to get more money makes him happy. Blunt and egoistic. But driven. haha. I want to make lots of money in the future, very soon. Not for myself, but the people around me. Also an additional note, people who have them at their disposal digust me. Someone whose name i shall not mentioned here has the habit of being late for flights, without any unavoidable reason. What she does is, just buy another ticket for the next flight.

Since coming back, I had the chance to mingle and talk to people of different ages. It gives a sense of wholeness. I do miss mixing around with the different generations. In Cardiff, I mix mostly, if not only, with people of my age group. So it is refreshing to see how the younger generation has evolved, how their minds now work and the changes that have occured. Then, how the older generation lifestyle is doing, how they cope with their aging bodies and how they view themselves in this time of age and the growing society. You see, i've gone through this experience where an older person kept comparing the things that occured during his young adulthood with mine. And when i replied with some sorta like a suggestion, he immediately scorned at it, claiming that i am not old enough and don't know what 'life' is about. Initially, i was rather upset about it, but very quickly, i realised that it's these people whom i pity the most. Don't they realise that it's not always about how you lived your adulthood. Times have changed. And had it stayed stagnant, it would have meant that our new generation did not progress from ours. Just because I have lived 21 years of life doesn't mean that i am any better than the person who is 15. To people who might be like the 'him', take the initiative to talk, to share thoughts. Don't be stubborn and egoistic. You won't gain anything from it. Nobody likes to hear a criticism as an opening dialogue. Don't simply belittle others just to get a message across.

Experience vary from one to another. And i don't believe in belittling anyone. In other words, we can all learn from each other.

And of course, not forgetting the Malaysia Society! How it has developed and progressed (or not). Gosh. I tell you.

Been thinking about life quite a bit too. My age, my status..where i am at, what am i doing, and how am i going to be. Things ought to be planned out. Indeed the cliched phrase is that things don't always go as planned. Besides, planning might constrict you with the potential that might grow as time passes. Yet, I think I like to plan. Not to restrict or constrict, but to give an outline and a guideline. To have an aim and something to look forward to. Besides, whoever said plans can't change?

we are at our age only at this moment. so, we have to live that moment. if we don't live to how we want our lives to be, we will only have regrets. Don't just say what you hope to do. put them to plans. make them happen. Don't just blabber around about them. But at the same time, don't forget the people around you who care for you. Sometimes, people can be overly focused with their dreams or whatever their focus is on, and forget that there are those around who needs their love, or attention. Of course, they always want the best for you, and support you. But we are all humans. Because if not, they should be walking alone. Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made. It's not fair how some people have to go through sacrifices, when others can complement. But life's like that. You can make that sacrifice, and/or you have to choose. If you can't balance everything, then let go. Or do not commit. Not for yourself, but for the other one.

Monday, July 09, 2007


A few things that I would like to express here. To some, views and opinions are kept to themselves, and for others, especially those who blog, expression is a form of therapy, perhaps in order to not pent up all those frustrations and feelings.

anyway, in yesterday's newspapers, there is this funny comic "broomhilda" which went:
(Scene: broomhilda [B] is serving her 'nephew' [N])

B: Soup's on!
N: Leftovers again?
B: We don't call them leftovers anymore, nerwin.
We live in an era where we no longer call things what they really are.
What used to be small, medium and large is now Large, Jumbo and Family Size.
Anything marginally worthwhile is "awesome".
A seller wanting twice what his car is worth calls it a "Classic".
Mind-altering drugs that can permanently fry your wiring are referred to as "recreational".
Regular prices are marked up so they can be marked back down and called "deeply discounted"
Regular Ol' models are all "supermodels".
A detergent that removes an ordinary stain is a "miracle".
and Donald Trump calls every episode of "the apprentice" the best one ever.

N's dad to N: What are you eating?
N:Time-enhanced residual treats.\

Funny. =D

The other thing is that a week ago, i was chatting with my uncle and he gave a different viewpoint towards certain msian projects, a more positive one. one of them was about our country spending millions sending an astronaut. Can this be justified when our country's poverty level needs much improvement? And that the amount can benefit more of our citizens than on an individual? Msia tends to follow the trend, with technology taken from other developed countries, even in this space case - which had its fair share of criticisms. Yet, it is a first for our country. and being the first perhaps is what it needs. We need to take the initiative to be the creators instead of the followers.

Our elected Works Minister said that the SMART tunnel is the first of its kind, and this shows our ability as a pioneer. Yes, it does flood when the rain pours, and cracks might be appearing sooner than expected..but hey, at least it's the first! Can this be justified? If failure is what we are afraid of, we will never lead. Of course, the best is always accomplish and never fail - especially since it invovles million/billions of ringgit, and more so, puts lives at risk. But if we only use proven technology, when would we be creating our own? What happened to those students the government sent overseas to obtain the technology and implement it to our system, with innovations and hopefully, inventions? (FYI, they are not called back except for doctors, dentists and pharmacists. How to counter brain-drain like that? These people keep on harping that our country has to overcome the brain-drain problem, and then here they are letting it happen. Nonsical!)

Where do we draw the line between realism and optimism? I do think that we have the creativity and capability to make wonders in msia..just that, perhaps, certain parties should be more sincere to themselves and to us all in giving out these duties. Teamwork is pivotal, yet it is also a negative factor in the case where a handful can perform but impeded by the lot. This case of majority-wins/democratic orientation is not very healthy.

ignorance is bliss, and not. In today's papers, an article came out regarding the "birth of a nation".

I stand against the justification of this elected person (yes, take note that i did not mention "leader"). I would deem this as racism! But there will be little or no attacks openly contradicting his statement due to the limit imposed towards the media. Self-indulging is what i would call it too. Why can't he see it in a better light? The "Birth of a Nation" can be interpreted as the birth of a united community, different people of different races living together in harmony and calling Malaysia their home, who fought against other countries from invading - NOT RACES -, and who is still fighting for a better quality of lifelihood and improvement in all aspects of fellow citizens. I quote theStar reporting: "Umno Youth division chief Nasir Ismail said this was an insult to the country as it portrayed the Malays as a race without a nation of their own." I seriously think that this is pessimism and extremism towards other races living in this country. Is this nation solely to the above mentioned race? I do not think that this justification of his was intended to be promoted. And i certainly do not think that potential tourists from abroad would interpret it like that. Not everyone is as small-minded as that. The birth of a nation, is what it is. A nation, a UNITED COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE. Read: UNITED, COMMUNITY, PEOPLE.

This fella is so negative and insecure. Geez.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


It rained early this morning, heavily. And it is raining again now, very heavily. It has been raining for the past couple of hours, and I never experienced such a long heavy rain before in the past 2 years. Indeed, in Cardiff, it rains a whole lot more compared to the rest of UK but it is nothing like right now, in Tapah. Usually, when it rains in Cardiff, it would not be as heavy for as long, but the entire day would still be wet-ish, humid and gloomy. But of course, there are the usual exceptions. You might get sunshine peeking through the grey-ish clouds which miraculously transform into bright white fluffy cottonballs of the sky amongst the striking blue sky.

I drove out to have my curry noodles for breakfast together with my family today. =) Tastes great, as always. Sadly, the much adored laksa shop has closed end of last year. I'll miss the old auntie's laksa. She's always very patient, kind and 'serving'. Not to forget, her husband who helps her out serving herbal drinks at their small shack. Such a wonderful duo they are. Beneath all the occasional disagreement and arguements and name calling that they do, is perhaps the unwithering bond formed decades ago..remaining ever so taut.

On another note, Shu Li has just watched, and suggests for leisure watching: Snow Cake

...which reminded me of a photo I took last winter, proving that all the endurance towards the cold was worthwhile. A splendor the sight was indeed.

And is currently reading:
May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969; by (Dr) Kua Kia Soong

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Summer Part 2

A continuation from the previous blog entry about northern ireland..

Since we bought the 3-day travel pass, valid for any usage within that week, we made full use of it by travelling by public transport, especially during the trip from Belfast to Ballycastle and around the Giant Causeway. The other places that were trampelled upon were Londonderry and Belfast and Newcastle. Yup, you read it right. There is a place called Newcastle in Northern Ireland. That makes it two places in UK having the same name. And just for your info, if you don't already know, there is a Newcastle in Down Under as well. =)

It was a little scary, but I found it exhilarating. After a visit to the Old Bushmills distillery, the oldest licensed irish whiskey distillery, we walked 4km to Dunluce Castle, located by the edge of a cliff. So close it was to the cliff that the kitchen fell into the sea centuries ago due to erosion! together with its chefs! It was a LONG walk on a SUNNY day (which explains why those who have seen me said that i've gotten darker!). We risked missing the 5pm train to Derry and public buses around this area are infrequent. It would be another 4km walk to the next nearest town of Portrush from Dunluce! It took us 2 hours + to get there, I enjoyed the walk very much. Not sure about him though! *giggles*

And so, this is Dunluce Castle..

And the rest of the 4km walk towards Portrush town, where we took the train to Derry. It lived up to it's name. We rushed and literally ran when we walked up from the beach to the town! It took us an hour longer (to reach Portrush) than the fella working at Dunluce castle estimated! The walk was along the cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea with so many geographical formations, and it led us to the kilometre(s) long beach. It was wonderful. If only I had more time to enjoy it and snap more photos.

There was this event held in Belfast's City Hall. It is to celebrate diversity in the city, which equates to FREE FOOD!!! *yummy*! The sausage from Poland, i think, was absolutely gorgeous! Oily, but orgasmic! haha! Belfast wasn't too interesting. So we just walked around and on the last day, sat down for a coffee at this cafe which boasted best barristas awards for 2 years. =D Coffee was GoooooD! Mochaccino and Cappuccino were ordered and I was damn satisfied! Hadn't had a good cuppa for quite a while you see. Sadly, I was too engrossed with the coffee that I absently took no photos. =(

This was taken in the picturesque town of Newcastle. The journey there was FARRR! Further than expected. But it was all worthwhile.

In Newcastle, I managed to take a short hike up Slieve Donard, one of the Mourne Mountains, quite a famous place for views and hikes. The journey up was really good! Reminded me of Scouts long ago minus the leeches and heat!

We trekked along a waterfall/stream and this photo shows a spectacular sight of the town and its beach and sea, from midway up the mountain.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Back in Malaysia

Yupp, back home. And my family exaggerated what they always do - the quest for FOOD! I was really stuffed from the flight due to eating and sleeping and nothing else. But oh well..

For the first two days, consumption were:

Japanese food (unagi abe -sumthing-; some of u might know that i don't really fancy Jap food except for unagi, but this was someone else's idea.so okla..turned out okay really. the tofu was rather nice. but food were all saltyyy!),

Chinese 'pulled' noodles with braised pork ribs ,

secret recipe cakes, mango, watermelon, prawn mee, char kway teow, barley, iced tea, yau char kwai, ham cheen pang, chinese lunch which had fish, lai lui ha, thai style chicken, choy sum, claypot veggie/tofu mix; nasi pandan with local nyonya dishes, chinese dumplings, phut chee cho..

siao la my family members! so ganas wan they eat!

y'know, i was thinking of blogging and photo blogging about the food i eat while i am back home, but i don't think it's feasible anymore!

Ooh, and 2 of the doggies out of 4 that i met. =)

(photos taken with hp, so a bit blur..)