Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The finale: The city of....


Yup, and this is the continuation of my Winter trip..which seems ages ago considering the amount of work - which i would define as stress rather than work since work is something that one SHOULD do - that i had over the past couple weeks and going to have in the weeks to come.

Anyway, yeah, day 5. We took the train to Paris and the journey was...........cheeky.
Paris did not take a break on Christmas Day. The city was beautifully lit with throngs of tourists flattering the road, Champs Elysees in particular.
And so...whatever hotspots there were in Paris, we went there....(haha. I am getting rather tired of depicting..) Moulin Rouge, Pantheon, Catacombs, Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe La Defense, Stade de France (well, not really. but somewhat), Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and Boulevard Haussman. Anyway, saw the Mona Lisa as well in the famed Louvre..which is an incomplete/deserted palace housing stolen (by Napolean) artwork from around Europe.
Sadly, there wasn't enough time to really go around all parts of Paris let alone live and breathe the Parisian Life. To have said that Londoners were on the snobbier end was an understatement. Paris was worst!..but at least the "French Cuisine" could live up to that. Though I must say, not all are thaaat snobbish, and the friendly ones were focused in smaller towns/cities.

Lo and behold, Malaysia was on the map too (at the Renault showroom)!!!

Yes!!...raviolli, fish (and chips, with ONE anchovy), raw beef & salmon, more fish, escargot, foie gras d'canard, hot choc, espresso, Bertoillini glace, medium lamb gigot, ....and Quick! (that's just this French fast food chain) ..oh, and we had buffet pizza too, McD ice cream =D, falafel, kebab and some bread + melted cheese at the Christmas Market.

And that's about it!!...till I arrived in London, tried same types of burgers at two different fast food chains, had a mint-chocolate milkshake which I didn't like, stole a few scoops of McFlurry from someone and had this:

(A gratitude from someone. Thanks =). I finally had CHINESE restaurant food!!!! After craving for it like..forever~!)

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