Thursday, March 29, 2007

Racial Integration...what?

A Racial Integration study has been done by one of our local public varsity, and hey-ho! surprise, surprise...we are not 'racially integrated enough'!


Okay, perhaps it is rocket science to some that racial integration is not progressing forwards. That said, it would need hard evidence to show it and statistics to prove. Fine.

Who is surprised by this findings? Do I see any hands raised?

Duhhhh....From the tender age of 13 when the personality and character of youngsters are build up, a huge proportion of us (i.e. MALAYSIANS), but of a certain classification, enter boarding school, where I'd say, 95% or MORE are from the same group.

Then, for studies post-SPM (that's 5 years down the road), only a tiny fraction from a different group is allowed to "integrate" with the others. Gee, who is being segregated here? Okay, it's time to point fingers here, like how the norm has been conformed by society..*pointy-poke*

I have a friend who never had a friend from a different race since her schooling days. No prizes for guessing where she studied from. She was very happy and glad to finally be able to mix around with other races and have good friends (like me perhaps?) with a different background than herself. At this point, I am not sure if I should pity her and be glad that I didn't grow up in that sort of environment.

I dare say that I have a good balance of friends since childhood.

In a nutshell, this study just shows how we have managed to stab ourselves and lodge a report about it. (And in a more sarcastic saying, reaffirmed that we eat where we s**t, then complain it's disgusting...repeatedly)

Disclaimer: In case I get sued due to some weird unfathomable reason(s), allow me to explain that with all due respect, this little sarcastic entry is merely as it is. It shows that I AM CONCERNED about the racial integration in our country (add 2% to the study!).

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