Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Note: To JL - Yes, I will try to get drunk on Friday/Saturday. History has showed that I do not go along very well with alcohol. I get very bad headaches without the 'merry' state. And, I don't think the ADH-ases can miraculously appear.


A friend of mine said, that in the face of all these, others might have just cracked whilst I am persevering...

Persevering I am, but in the face of being cracked.

I hope I don't let anyone down..I can't do it for myself, but I hope to do it for others.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

I feel like a tiny insect
Buzzing about, needing a rest
I have been smacked and twacked
Yet I am still alive, put to the test.

I am giddy, and I am faint
I'm looking for that one place to take a break
Away from reality, away from danger and pain
Into the tranquility of an oasis or a lake. be continued..

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Saturday, May 02, 2009

My deepest regret, and never-ending sorrows

My best kept secret for years..let out in the worst of times.