Monday, May 24, 2010


Life is a choice..
No matter how fateful some things can be,
Or how forceful matters can be

Some choices will be difficult,
Some choices will be unpleasant,
But some choices will be easier,
And many more, made with pleasure..

When we come to certain points,
a choice has to be made.
And there are many of such points
that we will come across..

They will be made,
In hopes and beliefs,
In fear and haste,
But they will be made.

Just gotta have some faith..

Sunday, May 23, 2010

There is..

There is someone I know,
who is a humongous PRETENDER!
The most "innocent" of looks
Or appearance of character,
Or thoughts from other friends,
Can be extremely deceitful.
It takes the presence in just the right circumstances to see witness this.
The annoyance creeps into every crease of my skin!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

H & H

So here's a little secret..
If home is where the heart is,
I think I've found some kind of home in you
Though, I know its not very wise thing to do

You're amazing, to me.
You are amazing to everyone anyway..
So, I'm not exclusive.
But, simply because of that too
Is what's amazing, about you.

Its moving and changing,
Its getting deeper on my part,
But I know its not flowing.
Where is the destination here?
To the sea? or the core of the Earth?

I am seeing a wispy home
amongst fluffy clouds
Not quite so real
Never will be surreal.

An amazing person and friend you are
(Can't help it when you're so ideal)
Great support I've received in years by far
So, to you, Thank You.

If home is where the heart is,
My home is being built by people like you.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wishing it was ..You.

(Sounds nicer with Tara Maclean)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Need you now..

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Its tough out here..
When support is there, but not present as such.
When people you thought you could rely on, you thought wrong.
When there is someone you want to but dare not rely on too much
lest it doesn't turn out right,
then you might have to find footing all over again.

Its tough out here..
Not knowing where you'll end up if you fall
No shoulder to cry on when you're down
No listening ears to speak to when you have something in mind
No comforting hands to hold and reassure.

Its tough out here..
When you might have found something
Which makes you smile again,
To see life in its zest & vigour
But yet,
You could only muster meagre courage to tread upon
When uncertainties plaque the mind
When wantings become obscured
When lack of confidence
Lost of beliefs
Keep haunting, repeatedly.

Its tough out here, for me.