Ah, what a long but enjoyable 3 weeks it has been....
Arrived back in Cardiff after a more than 30 hours journey from my last point of holiday - for this month! LoL~
My mind is still rather blur-blur (okay, when has it never been so..rite?!). I have yet to regain normal sleeping pattern, but of which, is pretty normal for me since I am having my holidays! hehe, it tends to go cranky with me having very little sleep and feeling groggy for the rest of the day....UNLESS something interesting or exciting occurs!
Again, i'm very thankful to have such nice and caring seniors over here...very very grateful towards them for accommodating me over summer...yet, the house is going to be rather quiet from now onwards as a few of them have left for home. maka, tinggal 2 ekor saje...hehe!
sigh, i have no idea what to write here...
(boring ah, i lazy to type adie...)
to YOU who MIGHT be reading this, we got loads to catch up girl! =P hehe. *wink*