Saturday, June 14, 2008

What am I doing here?

Why the *hell* (sorry) an I doing here?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!

I regret deeply not going back this summer. I really do. I have known this for long and long and long ago...friends planned and told me about them long and long and long ago...and they happen only ONCE. And it would be my very first!

FOUR close friends whom I hold preciously close to heart for who they are and how their magnanimity has integrated into me in the period that i've known them are going to celebrate their union!!!..and I am not there. :(

So, this entry, is a glass-raising event to them. May the angels protect you, troubles neglect you; the heavens pour blessings and lead you to a happy, loving, wonderful life together. :)

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