This blog entry shall be about someone..
Someone who is simply so amazing. Someone who leaves me in awe each time I think about him, and sometimes when I see him.
He does not know how much he already is, and how much more he can be whatever or whoever he wants to be.
We go through both smooth and rough patches in our lives, especially so at this age. Everything seems to be a turning point, so much so that we turn so many times we might just be going around in circles. I hope we are not. Even so, each time we tread the path, it would be a different experience altogether. We build our strength each time we feel weak. We learn the mistakes we make. Hopefully, one day, someday, we will achieve what we set for ourselves to be.
If only things seemed so simple, easy and manageable as they once were. Sadly, reality is not so. We have to embrace what we face, and pick up the pace. Keep things in perspective. Keep it simple. Have faith, or have contingencies.
I worried for him the other day, and I prayed that things will be sorted and better quickly. I definitely have faith in him. It's just that sometimes, you want to make it all better faster. You feel feeble when you do not know what to do, and fear if what you try to do will only make things worse.
I went through his blog very late that night. Every single post from the inception of the blog. It made me so proud of who he is and who he wants to be. There is no doubt that he has changed since I met him (though I cannot say if it is for better or for worse!). I know that person he was made him to who he is today. I am proud of this person *Oops, I said it again.*
People change over time, and you simply grow to love those changes.
To him: Stay cool, stay hot~ Be who you want to be, because you can. Be who you are,'s you.