Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Deceit happens. Its a much 'nicer' way to describe a lie.
Deceit happens in politics. They not necessarily tell a blatant lie, but they hide and twist facts. You see, people can make claims and facts and agendas and give loads of talk. They can quote facts and figures and name the game.
The media would broadcast this, general public could listen to all parties involved, but how many would actually double check the facts that all these people present?
If party "A" said that 10% of the country's losses have been due to negligence in "X" sector, how many would check that it is 1) 10%, and 2) involved sector "X" ?

For all you know all parties may be plucking facts and figures out of the air. And because they are too busy campaigning for themselves, they're concentrating on themselves mostly, and less so of others. EVEN if that is not the case, in an impromptu speech, you cannot possible remember the facts to rebut what the other has said. And if it IS detected later on, the impact is most likely going to be to a lesser degree than the first.

And, that is why people/politicians talk ---- (insert expletive) at a gathering en masse.

So yes, we can listen to them, we can compare and contrast..but question is, WHAT are we comparing and contrasting? .. words in the absence of substance perhaps?

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