Friday, April 16, 2010

"Leader's" debate

Anyone watched the televised political debate on ITV last night? - British politics that is.

I did, for the first few moments of it. Then I realised its time to press the "power" button and flip my book open.

It was quite interesting to note how they debated. I kinda missed those fury moments and the sharp witty tongue, anticipating to lash back..only to realise that you were so engrossed with responding instinctively and instantly that you weren't thinking. Also, if you give more time, analyse how these people process their minds! I think its highly intriguing on how synapses fire in different people when it comes to immediate responses.

Anyway, I personally do not have much knowledge on British politics. But I thought, it was becoming more "American". Fact is, almost all politicians are alike. ALMOST. Some do it better than others in terms of presenting facts, responding to critiques and tactfully rebutting. Some, just look better on camera.

Not in a nutshell, but more so of in a seed-pit (LoL):
What I saw - poor Nick. You could see that he wasn't very 'polished' for the scene. But hey, perhaps its this kinda 'innocence' that you need.
Gordon - I sensed a tactic, a poor one, and it was obvious from question 2 onwards. Not good for a seasoned politician. You should never make your tactics obvious. That's what I feel anyway. Tactics are meant to be left at that - a tactic. Work on the product of it.
David - Not bad, but all talk. I doubt the actions.

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