Lately, I came across situations and articles and forums 'discussing' about racial integration/religious issues and topics of relevence to those matters. What is happening to the community? Bringing into a smaller perspective, what is going on to my fellow malaysian family members? My fellow 'brothers and sisters' - not in religion, but as countrymen. Can't we not call fellow countrymen 'brothers' and 'sisters'? Must they be only used in a religious context?
I shall only give my thoughts on matters close to me and not the broad issues since I might not have a good grasp about it. Coming from a multiracial society, growing up in 'kebangsaan' schools, I really enjoyed the exposure, the love and understanding from all my fellow friends consisting of a right balance people not the same race and religion as I am. For instance, my closest friend when I was in Standard 1 is an Indian girl, Form 2, a malay girl...the rest of the years - heck, everyone!
Back in school, participating and leading societies and groups were not an uphill, daunting task. Everyone played their roles very well. We were a team, themed on EXCELLENCE. *gasp*! those were the sweet, joyous, ambitious, courageous, bold and sprited times! Oh, there were the shortfalls, shortcomings..and whatever there were to be short of; but in general, things were pretty much what i said they were. However, growing up, as we age, the gap widened. I felt that, though it never really did affect me. Sadly, it affected the people around me, and perhaps, to a certain extent, myself due to the society forming its norms.. and it gradually seeped into the minds of the people around me.
I wish that there will come a time that, though impossible to achieve in every single individual,; it is achievable in a small community of malaysians.
- To be able to speak his/her mind; for the people spoken to to take it rationally and maturely, without holding grudges; To rationalized any disagreements with open thoughts; To not orientate your mind into a pessimistic one just because a thought/issue has been raised by someone not of your religion; and not blindly agree and support someone with the same religion as yours.
Let's not just try to portray a harmonious, multicultural community, but actually LIVING in one. The attempt to show this scene to others should be lived in the journey of the portrayal.
"If you want to make the world a better place, just take a look of yourself and make that change." - Man in the Mirror, MJ
I am trying to make that change.
i never said that i was good at art did i? haha..