Wednesday, February 01, 2006

EcLaiR - 9th April 2004

I've always hoped that my education phase of life would be like one in the storybooks that i have read. But sadly, i know that that will not happen. Miserable? perhaps.

Our lives are heavily influenced by the Americans. Why? Because they are proud of who they are and that's why others want to emulate them. we, Malaysians, cannot even be proud of our country. if our own children do not respect the country, how would you expect a person of a different nationality to respect you?

which now comes to the gist of what i am about to write. my dream education-to study in america, to be amongst the best in the ivy league, to study while making a name for thyself, to graduate with job offers pouring be able to be one of the most influential FRESH graduate the working sector has ever seen. be it law, economics, or banking. now, why not medicine? science has never been at a glory when it comes to individual. we cherish the results more than the people. and this is totally the opposite of the 3 main sectors i mentioned earlier. People before self in science. but in law, economics, politics or banking, it is always SELF..then people. for without "self" there is no "people". now that is what i respect from those in this field.

why USA? simple. it's making waves. indeed, nobel prize winners were abundance in UK-ONCE. it was when the coveted prize was initially introduced. however, the geniuses winning the awards are no longer from the UK. why? can anyone give me an answer to that?now back to my dream.....i'm not that smart. haha! simple.indeed, our literature book has taught us not to make dreams our master, but i say, master your dreams and don't stop dreaming! sometimes, when reality takes a punch onto u, dreams can whisk you off your feet... only problem is, landing. good luck!

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