Sunday, October 08, 2006


My room photos...since WK put his photos up. haha..but..i haven't posed in any...another time. my face looks pathetic at the moment...

okay, description:
1. my bed...obviously...which i would prefer if it had a headrest/bedrest...whatever you call it so that i can put my nice-y stuff on top of it like last year..

2. my desk is split into two. sigh.

3. my door..posters and pinboard...=)


Luke said...

v artistic =)

monkticon said...

nice nice...very colorfull...

ShuLy said...

hee hee~! thanku-thanku..=D but no BIG BIG movie posters worr monkticon!!!..i know urs gotttt!!!

monkticon said...

hahaha...u wan ah...i can supply some...hahaha