Friday, October 06, 2006



The internet peeps came 2 days ago to fix up a connection at my house (student houses should really just provide internet!!!...and a washing machine!!!!). But, we never really did got things going...until yesterday. I was rather sad since I didn't have a wireless card and I expected my order to come in only next week. But.....IT CAME IN TODAY!!! and what a timing it was! I didn't have morning classes today and the postman came knocking on the door! Thankfully, I heard the knocks despite living in the back-most room! =D I guess I must have paid for the special next-day-delivery service. Either that, or the only method of delivery that this company had was that special delivery. So, I guess one-night's wait after installation is not too bad. It punctured a hole in my delicate linen pants though. And with this connection, I will have to fork out extra! but...well, i guess the good thing about it is I can now download stuff online!! ....... when I learn how to! Oh well, there goes some Sterlings invested into this quite-canggih piece of technology that my younger brother chose!!! Knowing him, he recommended the 108Mbps Wireless PC Card...padahal, the max speed that we have is 54Mbps!!!!..

i love you bro..

1 comment:

Wei Kang 小康 said...

i like ur last sentence...
