Monday, July 09, 2007


A few things that I would like to express here. To some, views and opinions are kept to themselves, and for others, especially those who blog, expression is a form of therapy, perhaps in order to not pent up all those frustrations and feelings.

anyway, in yesterday's newspapers, there is this funny comic "broomhilda" which went:
(Scene: broomhilda [B] is serving her 'nephew' [N])

B: Soup's on!
N: Leftovers again?
B: We don't call them leftovers anymore, nerwin.
We live in an era where we no longer call things what they really are.
What used to be small, medium and large is now Large, Jumbo and Family Size.
Anything marginally worthwhile is "awesome".
A seller wanting twice what his car is worth calls it a "Classic".
Mind-altering drugs that can permanently fry your wiring are referred to as "recreational".
Regular prices are marked up so they can be marked back down and called "deeply discounted"
Regular Ol' models are all "supermodels".
A detergent that removes an ordinary stain is a "miracle".
and Donald Trump calls every episode of "the apprentice" the best one ever.

N's dad to N: What are you eating?
N:Time-enhanced residual treats.\

Funny. =D

The other thing is that a week ago, i was chatting with my uncle and he gave a different viewpoint towards certain msian projects, a more positive one. one of them was about our country spending millions sending an astronaut. Can this be justified when our country's poverty level needs much improvement? And that the amount can benefit more of our citizens than on an individual? Msia tends to follow the trend, with technology taken from other developed countries, even in this space case - which had its fair share of criticisms. Yet, it is a first for our country. and being the first perhaps is what it needs. We need to take the initiative to be the creators instead of the followers.

Our elected Works Minister said that the SMART tunnel is the first of its kind, and this shows our ability as a pioneer. Yes, it does flood when the rain pours, and cracks might be appearing sooner than expected..but hey, at least it's the first! Can this be justified? If failure is what we are afraid of, we will never lead. Of course, the best is always accomplish and never fail - especially since it invovles million/billions of ringgit, and more so, puts lives at risk. But if we only use proven technology, when would we be creating our own? What happened to those students the government sent overseas to obtain the technology and implement it to our system, with innovations and hopefully, inventions? (FYI, they are not called back except for doctors, dentists and pharmacists. How to counter brain-drain like that? These people keep on harping that our country has to overcome the brain-drain problem, and then here they are letting it happen. Nonsical!)

Where do we draw the line between realism and optimism? I do think that we have the creativity and capability to make wonders in msia..just that, perhaps, certain parties should be more sincere to themselves and to us all in giving out these duties. Teamwork is pivotal, yet it is also a negative factor in the case where a handful can perform but impeded by the lot. This case of majority-wins/democratic orientation is not very healthy.

ignorance is bliss, and not. In today's papers, an article came out regarding the "birth of a nation".

I stand against the justification of this elected person (yes, take note that i did not mention "leader"). I would deem this as racism! But there will be little or no attacks openly contradicting his statement due to the limit imposed towards the media. Self-indulging is what i would call it too. Why can't he see it in a better light? The "Birth of a Nation" can be interpreted as the birth of a united community, different people of different races living together in harmony and calling Malaysia their home, who fought against other countries from invading - NOT RACES -, and who is still fighting for a better quality of lifelihood and improvement in all aspects of fellow citizens. I quote theStar reporting: "Umno Youth division chief Nasir Ismail said this was an insult to the country as it portrayed the Malays as a race without a nation of their own." I seriously think that this is pessimism and extremism towards other races living in this country. Is this nation solely to the above mentioned race? I do not think that this justification of his was intended to be promoted. And i certainly do not think that potential tourists from abroad would interpret it like that. Not everyone is as small-minded as that. The birth of a nation, is what it is. A nation, a UNITED COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE. Read: UNITED, COMMUNITY, PEOPLE.

This fella is so negative and insecure. Geez.

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