Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Summer Part 2

A continuation from the previous blog entry about northern ireland..

Since we bought the 3-day travel pass, valid for any usage within that week, we made full use of it by travelling by public transport, especially during the trip from Belfast to Ballycastle and around the Giant Causeway. The other places that were trampelled upon were Londonderry and Belfast and Newcastle. Yup, you read it right. There is a place called Newcastle in Northern Ireland. That makes it two places in UK having the same name. And just for your info, if you don't already know, there is a Newcastle in Down Under as well. =)

It was a little scary, but I found it exhilarating. After a visit to the Old Bushmills distillery, the oldest licensed irish whiskey distillery, we walked 4km to Dunluce Castle, located by the edge of a cliff. So close it was to the cliff that the kitchen fell into the sea centuries ago due to erosion! together with its chefs! It was a LONG walk on a SUNNY day (which explains why those who have seen me said that i've gotten darker!). We risked missing the 5pm train to Derry and public buses around this area are infrequent. It would be another 4km walk to the next nearest town of Portrush from Dunluce! It took us 2 hours + to get there, I enjoyed the walk very much. Not sure about him though! *giggles*

And so, this is Dunluce Castle..

And the rest of the 4km walk towards Portrush town, where we took the train to Derry. It lived up to it's name. We rushed and literally ran when we walked up from the beach to the town! It took us an hour longer (to reach Portrush) than the fella working at Dunluce castle estimated! The walk was along the cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea with so many geographical formations, and it led us to the kilometre(s) long beach. It was wonderful. If only I had more time to enjoy it and snap more photos.

There was this event held in Belfast's City Hall. It is to celebrate diversity in the city, which equates to FREE FOOD!!! *yummy*! The sausage from Poland, i think, was absolutely gorgeous! Oily, but orgasmic! haha! Belfast wasn't too interesting. So we just walked around and on the last day, sat down for a coffee at this cafe which boasted best barristas awards for 2 years. =D Coffee was GoooooD! Mochaccino and Cappuccino were ordered and I was damn satisfied! Hadn't had a good cuppa for quite a while you see. Sadly, I was too engrossed with the coffee that I absently took no photos. =(

This was taken in the picturesque town of Newcastle. The journey there was FARRR! Further than expected. But it was all worthwhile.

In Newcastle, I managed to take a short hike up Slieve Donard, one of the Mourne Mountains, quite a famous place for views and hikes. The journey up was really good! Reminded me of Scouts long ago minus the leeches and heat!

We trekked along a waterfall/stream and this photo shows a spectacular sight of the town and its beach and sea, from midway up the mountain.


Anonymous said...

There's a newcastle in Malaysia too

"Kota Baru"

ShuLy said...

haha. =P translated lah. =D