Saturday, January 05, 2008

Opening the new year

Happy New Year all~

People often say that I am complicated. Well, they used to. I seldom hear anyone telling me that anymore nowadays. I think it is probably due to the fact that we do not spend enough time, or experience things together. Thus, the lack of total understanding to derive a conclusion as such.

I can be complicated. At the same time, I am as simple as can be.

I have been thinking of what makes a perfect day for me and it is so simple that the make up of it has barely changed over the seasons.

A hot cuppa coffee over a good breakfast is multi-licious! That, while reading the newspapers (online is a substitute currrently - gone are the newspaper man days or the sundry shops), discussing the latest headlines, reading the comics and laughing over it, or throwing sarcasm. The horoscope read might be amusing too.

Grocery shopping would be a good option if there is no menu on the table yet; or simply a walk in the park, spending time with friends or chilling out. Row a boat, have ice cream, throw stones into the river or window shopping!

The best thing to do at night would be a stroll after dinner. I miss this so much. It is such an easy to do, yet difficult because company is hard to come by.

Talking late at night is super fun. I rarely crap at night anymore. I am amazed on how my cousins and I used to be able to do so right up to the wee hours of the morning. Someone once said that I go wacky after the stroke of midnight and labeled it my 'midnight syndrome'. I love to open up and talk freely at night, and it is even more meaningful with someone close - that again might be difficult, again because company is hard to come by these days.

See, simple day, starting off simple and ending with a plonk onto the soft mushy freshly-covered pillow.

That, would be a dream day.

The sweet demure me..?~ =P

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