Saturday, April 19, 2008

Oh rainy day..

It has been gloomy for the past couple of days, and the light showers have finally made an appearance. As I look out of the window I can only think of one thing - the past. Well, which is a lot. :)

The stress has mounted and I have not been doing much work since the morning begun. I did not have a good sleep last night because I received a message which kept my phone beeping every 15 minutes. I was in no condition to wake up and turn it off, but subconsciously, I know that I heard the beep every other hour or so.

Back to the rain, the air is so much more humid and cool now. I am taking a little time off to just sit and stare at this phenomenon. Imagining how things are like on other sides of the world. I used to do this very frequently when I was back home - starring out the door looking at the rain pour.

For now, I wish that I could soak up this serene feeling amongst nerves and stay there for just a little while longer. I am aware that staying positive is important and will do me good, but that said, I am finding myself going through a roller-coaster ride. So, there are ups and downs, but at the end of the ride, you have to come down...(negativity again, I know!)

But it helps me, it prepares me, for better or worse. And for now, I am just going to spend a little more time to soak in the magical blandness of a rainy day.


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