Thursday, September 04, 2008


I have not blogged for a while now, so here are a few updates on myself. It would probably be read by few and more importantly, a channel to express and let a few things out for me.

I am currently living in a rented house. The house is quite nice. My room is a little small compared to my friends' rooms, but mine is a manageable size. It keeps a little warmth, so that is good. Sadly, I am living away from the group of close friends whom I have bonded so tightly over the past few years. It's not that I do not get along well with my current housemates, I have yet to really see them! I do look forward to more people being in the house. It's lonely.

The term has started. I will go to my first tutorial as a 4th year in the morning. I hope that the year would be enriching. On Monday, during the introductory lecture, I was rather inspired and motivated. I told myself to prepare early, read up a little to ease the transition and understanding of the topic and know a bit of what's in stored. However, until today, NOTHING! I tend to be like that. Once I come back home, I must do what I have set out to do. If I skew the slightest of track, the spirit seems to disappear. I need to grow up!

Summer holidays were very good. I wish I have more time to experience more things. The world is really enormous. I wish I had gone home too. If only I could be in two different places at a time, or a longer holidays. I can't believe that so many of my friends got married this summer! I missed all their weddings. :( It's like a new phase of life now. Oh no, I'm aging! Sigh. I wish my mind would grow too. It hasn't been for a long, long while now.

I wish I had the time to slowly pen down neatly and nicely every single memorable events and moments in a diary. I realise that I do not have the time nowadays. Even blogging, where typing is so much faster and thus more efficient. I kinda choose to waste my time away somewhere else in the world wide web. Say, I wonder if we can quantify the world wide web. Is there a measurement to it? I think we need to create a unit for it. HaHa. I am sure that if it has not already been done, at some point in future, someone will have this thought and create one and become really famous for coining the unit term for the world wide web.

Life is really only partially up to what you choose it to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh tell Luke to update his blog la...sien! *kepoh* Hehe~ and i miss d blog made by both of u! Dun la stop =( *kepoh again*