Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Colum-mates and I had a fantastic mamaking last night...

Delicious Paratha WONDERFULLY done by Miss Ragava together with her tantalizing curry...*lip-smacking!* and the company couldn't have been better...
we asked our 'father' where he got the parathas from..he told us that his friend gave it to him. Being piqued with curiosity, I took a look at the packaging of the Paratha...and upon reading, found out that it was a Produce of Malaysia! HaHa! You see, naan bread and pita bread are common here. but NOT paratha. This pack of parathas must have came from an oriental shop. Oh, speaking of ORIENTAL (i know i always divert...bear with me. hee hee), the other day, a BBC friend of mine was around for dinner and religion briefly arose when I asked him what he and his mates talk about when they just 'hang out'. (and yeah, their hang out junctions are the bars and pubs..) so, he mentioned religion being one of them. My friends and I 'classify' ourselves as MALAYSIAN chinese/indian. and in a regional basis, ASIAN. He was shocked. He said that to him, we (chinese) are classified as "ORIENTAL". "Asians" are meant for dark-skinned people like those from India (mind you, this has no conotations to racism). So, yeah. that's the oriental bit. It's not a big deal, but more of an eye-opener. Learning new things, gaining new knowledge and finding out something rather fascinating from a different angle. Life is beautiful...and "everyday is a school day"..

To continue....parathas: If I am not mistaken, there was a season last time back home where Parathas were a craze! I knew that my family bought them everytime we went shopping in Ipoh. hee was YUMMY!!!!!!....*_* How i miss eating parathas and roti canai..

tonight, i mamak-ed alone. it was Pot Noodles...I tell you, these gwai lo people..they really don't know how to produce instant noodles. I've tried a few brands...3 to be exact. and none..NONE lived up to the standard of 'decent'. All were just 'merely edible'. They were to the brink of inedible. serious.

So, today...although having a few more packets of instant noodles stashed away somewhere for emergency hunger pangs, i went to buy rice noodles..dried 'kway-teow' looking stuff from the ORIENTAL shop. haha! well, to be exact, it was the Japanese and Korean shop. I have procrastinated about going to the proper chinese shops for a million times now. It's far from where I live...and I am quite put off by the idea of walking all the way there alone...*psst: anyone willing to teman me for a lovely walk?* oh, now...what do i do with the rice noodles? HAHA!

Ah, and Miss Ragava...will try out apple crumble tomorrow if i don't literally CRUMBLE from all the tutorials and practicals that i have tomorrow. they are driving me up the insanity level! (ahaha..yeah, yeah, some of you out there would probably quip - since when were shuly sane!?)

Oh, and photos from a wonderful weekend...badminton on sat and a morning walk to give support to cardiff medics in Cardiff Marathon! haha..if you can't run with them, you walk with them to the run..=P good principles eh? *giggles* -apparently the photos can't be added to this entry. too big of an entry i suppose...another time yah..

I just wanna skip tomorrow....sleep tonight and wake up on a friday morning. *_*

I've got A LOT to do...A LOT to complete, a lot to catch up..all before the weekend arrives.
and what does Shu Li do when Shu Li has so much to do? Shu Li gets lazy and start blogging. *flips hands and arms up in the air and throws head to the back (thus emphasizing the laryngeal area and simultaneously pushing back the vessels - all ready for a cricothyroidotomy [CHOI!])

and one more thing:
~glad that someone had a good game and a great time. congrats..*smiles with glee*


Luke said...

cricothyroidotomy? least you don't suffer from tintinitis...or 'loud bells ringing in your ears' sensation...

i wanna wake up on a friday evening...and not have to do the travelling bit...and somehow magically be next to you...*_*

Luke said...

tinnitus, sorry, my mistake..:P

ShuLy said...
