Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's one of those nights..

It's 5 minutes to 04:00. Yes, it is soon to be 4 AM and I should be tucked away comfortably in my bed. Yet, here I am very much awake with signs of insect flying near the laptop screen.

Perhaps it is the few sips of tea that I took just now, 6 hours ago. All caffeine should be gone by now don't you think? Perhaps I should use this opportunity of alertness to do my revision. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps. I am rather thankful to have classes instead of self-studying. As all of you would have known by now, I need the drive to study. It's not like I cannot study on my own, but it is going to be tough. Sometimes, we just want to find the easy way out. Now, don't we all wish that could be the case. Then, reality pops out and whams you in the face. Wake Up Shu Li!!!

Unfortunately, it was someone else who was awaken.

It was just before midnight that I heard his voice over the voice message. He was so groggy that I could barely make out what he was saying 80% of the time! Tired as he was then, and knowing that as I have, I still called. At 3.45AM! Am I bad or what?! I called because I could not sleep! I called even though I knew he was sound asleep, most probably in Stage 5 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. I thought, "Would I be doing him a favour by waking him up during the last REM sleep so that he could go back into SWS (slow wave sleep) and thenceforth p.o.s.s.i.b.l.y. get an overall better sleep?".

So, at 3.45, the most wonderful voice was heard. Nope, he was not shouting, netiher was he ignoring. He was sweet, gentle and caring. He said that he did not mind, because it was my voice he was hearing. Isn't that sweet! (Can I do it again? =P) I know he was trying his best to stay awake, listening to what I have to say and to respond, albeit with lesser-than-normal sense. Every word that came out during that call seeped into the deepest chamber of my heart.

I love you L~


monkticon said...

waa... *so mushie* heee! *grins*

Way Siong said...

Oh my.. shu li has changed.. :P

"Stage 5 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep"

Err.. do you mean Stage 4 NREM instead? :P

ShuLy said...

haha. hey alex! errr..perhaps it is. i dunno. shuly here very stupid adie (if not all along).

monk: i wish i was back home doing nothing