Sunday, May 04, 2008

wanna do something!!

gosh..its difficult to predict the future. Its easy to plan, but difficult to get the act together. Now, I am sighing over the fact that I would like to be somewhere else where a loved one is at. And silly me for being like BBC's weather forecast; which is mostly incorrect!

Now, what should I do? I've watched V for Vendetta again!.. Bucket List was okay.
IRON MAN was not too bad. quite cool in a way. 27 dresses was a leisure-able chick flick.

Should I read?
Which one?

MOST IMPORTANTLY, does anyone have any ideas on what I can do or where I can go in the coming months???!??

1 comment:

LV said...

read: greece!!!! he he he... i'd always loved reading travel guide books eventhough i never get to visit those places

where to go: northern europe!!!