Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's a funny world...

You times, it gets R.E.A.L.L.Y...annoying when your girl friends come to you complaining that they are f.a.t. *duh*

okay...if that girl is on the heavier end..then, yeah,'s fine. but you know what, girls with perfectly normal figure or perhaps even on the heavier end rarely, if not, never go on whining over and over about their size or weight. its those who are...y'know what i mean..

usually, the complain-er is stick skinny and scrawny with a much lower BMI than a 'normal' individual and at times, it gets on my nerve! especially when they go on..and on...and on....and then, when i reply saying, "please-lah. u're fat?..then me what? over-obesed!?" ; they'll reply: "nooo..u're so skinnnyyy! me only FATTT!!"...*super sweat*..padahal, it's obvious that i'm on the heavier end of the scale. but dun get me wrong...i know where i stand..ain't proud of it, but ain't complaining.. *grins* and yeah, i can laugh about it.

if you want to complain that you're fat, just mentioning it would suffice..and please, do not go on and on as though there is nothing else to converse about...i mean, yeah, you can say you're fat and then laugh about it..or make jokes about it and all..but dun go repeating like a spoiled recorder going, "i'm fat!!! i'm fat..."

now, on the opposite end..there are those who eat in miniscule amounts and are super stay healthy, they pop vitamins and all those whatnots every morning, afternoon and night..well, at least they know that they need the nutrients! it right? yet, who am i to 'tegur' .... haih. just hope that they have a healthy life - lah.

1 comment:

monkticon said...

I'm fat...and I like to be fatt...yeehaaaa~~
*plays with his iGallop~