Sunday, March 09, 2008

Someday you would find me...~

Its tragic to have excess burden to carry, especially when you doubt that it would be worth it.

What are my dreams and aspirations? There are, but at the same time, there are things holding me back..and they are things I can easily drop. But why am I not dropping them, I can only blame on my own stupidity. How difficult can it be?!?! The uncertainty and fear. I hope I can be firm and act!

The things that I want to do..

( I know that whoever is reading is going to say that I have no one other than myself to blame..or that I am finding excuses. I have given thought to them. I acknowledge and appreciate those thoughts, but at the same time, I do sincerely feel this way. And this, is my limitation. What you can do or think or feel does not mean that that someone else can do, think and feel exactly the same. There are different priorities and views and thoughts and methods on how things should go. Whether or not I should make this complete change....I am trying.)

1. Trans siberia
2. Visit a friend in America
3. Do average in class
4. Feel excited and start to plan for summer
5. Independent and less restricted
6. Excited with what the days will bring
7. Meet people! Cun guys esp~! =D
8. More firm with decisions, confidence
9. Photos. I want to snap many many many beautiful photos. I want to learn from those who simply have an eye for them. I want to share this interest and be amongst people who have the same interest..with a passion.


Wei Kang 小康 said...
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Wei Kang 小康 said...

I can help you to achieve the 7th item on ur list.