Brand: Bistro
Cost: 80p
Origin: U.K
During my first year here, I discovered the many types of instant gravy granules and powder available on the supermarket shelves. I saw my flatmates using them and decided to try it out in 2nd Year. I bought the gravy GRANULES instead of the powder one, and it was not too bad. That was the onion gravy granules I think. I also bought the white sauce granules or parsley granules. That wasn't too bad either.
However, THIS was BAD. It was such a disappointment! I bought powdered form this year thinking that perhaps I can sprinkle some into food and it would be mixed better. It was a HUGE mistake. The flavour is not nice, the taste is bad, it tasted fake and chemical-ed....I don't know how else can I describe this.
Suffice to say:
Good bites: NONE
Bad bites: everything else
Overall score: 1 out of 10
the '1' is markah kasihan/kesian i.e pity mark
lol! reminds me of the time when i was cooking.. I'm glad my kitchen's open.. no more cooking for me!
haha! kitchen's open? meaning? what have you been cooking? i've always wanted to taste your cooking!
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