Wednesday, November 05, 2008

*Rolled eyes*

I am currently on placement, not too far away from cardiff, but inconvenient enough to travel daily. Here I am, at the library, with stupendously troublesome and slow internet access feeling the NEED to put up an entry about this:

TheStar reported a comment made by Foreign Minister Rais Yatim:
"Rais said Obama’s victory was proof that Americans could choose their leader looking beyond the person’s race, colour or creed."

Here is THE LINK

Indeed, as the media reports, it seems as though the Americans have chosen a leader who is not entirely 'white' and therefore saw beyond race, colour and creed. Sadly, our minister forgot to say about our own country, if we can ever emulate such magnanimousity. I doubt it. There was quite a hoo-hah when a non-malay was elected as ACTING head of S'gor State Development Corporation . So many factions had to come out to defend that it is not permanent, and reassurance had to be made that the appointment is only temporary. The ugly side of "Malaysians" showed. Mind you, this is only at a state level! At presidency level? *EYES ROLLED*

What does the future hold for the progress of the country when fairness is blurred?
"Malay-Muslims being the majority would hold administrative positions but the roles and rights of other races should not be denied." ..Yeah, right. What a disclaimer!

I shall add one here too then:
Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant to cause harm and uproar or touch on sensitive issue. If you are affected positively, Thanks!; if negatively, hope you will see the light sooner rather than later and my best wishes to you nonetheless.

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