Thursday, November 02, 2006

Random sidetracks

yes...i am meant to be studying... The I&I book is in front of me (to those having the same book - GO REaD lah!) ...but my eyes are diverted...and so is my head..and sternocleidomastoids are prominent now. and my lateral and medial recti are tensed...(yay! oculomotor [CN III] and abducent nerves [CN VI] functioning..!geez..)

okay..random rememberings/th0ughts/etc

1. MHC I
2. Welsh language...sigh
3. Mmm...the smell of aftershave...-it's quite amazing how smell can evoke all the whatnots.."thoughts oh thoughts, rise from the hippocampus!" He doesn't use aftershave.. aih, too bad.
4. "Hubby" reads journal! and so kindly helped me out with my I&I tutorial work - but i think he just googled it out....but still~!!!
5. He is going to be angry now that he has read no.4
6. I should stop wasting time and get on with work...
7. Have to finish this readings...
8. Do other panel's work
9. Pack my bags
10. Learn WELSH!

and something to end this entree:


1 comment:

monkticon said...

uh..*hubby* oh...heheheeee...