Tuesday, January 30, 2007

a brief account..

i don't know how to make polls in this blog, but neither am i going to try attempt to do one since i do not think that there are many readers of my blog. HAHA.

something that came across my mind and got me pondering for a bit - just a bit - was about:

rationality vs. dignity

there are many interpretations of how one can see dignity to be. Eg: For an assured win, how much work are you willing to put in? Expenses used might be unnecessary and would be costly especially if it's from a public resource fund. Yet, in certain culture or to certain parties, going forth to make it a big 'hoo-hah' has to be done - because it is said to be upholding the 'dignity' of that group. It most certainly seem as though that the ego is bigger than the brain. And that pride is placed upon a pedestle whilst common sense is left behind.

Personally, perhaps in a pass-fail examination, you would want to try your very best for the highest marks (sadly enough, shuly miserably failed in achieving this). However, this is about your own effort and involves you personally. Nothing gotta do with public funds, environmental pollution (minimal), hanky-panky contracts for promo stuff....etc.

Just wondering, should things be toned down with rationality? Or reinforcements should be executed for the sake of dignity?

Would you have your wedding dinner at a posh hotel with moderate-quality food?
or down-the-street restaurant which serves good food?

perhaps the former would be 200% more costly, burning an extra RM20K perhaps in ur pocket?

hehe. bye

oh, and a few articles which i think are interesting, but could create misconception since it was media-ly published -i.e: minimal details by the mass media without the entire picture - especially the first one:

1.Women's fertility cycle affecting brain
2. Vaginal birth and baby brain bleeding

so inconclusive. *snoot*

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