Saturday, December 19, 2009


In the midst of time, tide and the passing of moments, yet another of many thoughts was triggered. And I am writing this because I had a second trigger. Thus, although being a sceptical person, I think it is a sign that I should reinstate it. I have a diary that I do keep for myself and it is probably a better thing to do than to announce to the world these thoughts of mine. Yet, I think typing is faster - I can type pretty fast apparently. This was surprising as it was said by different people in a matter of a couple of days! Besides, I can refer to my archives easily.

People change. There may be some things in us which are innate and untouchable, cannot be changed nor dented. Yet, many of us jump to the conclusion that a person wouldn't ever change. If you know a friend for 10 years, you think you know him/her well. You know their bad habits, you know what they like, you know what they detest, you know how to approach them and how not to anger them. But can you assume that that person would react similarly in the present as he/she would have done so in the past?

I believe that people can change. We are all ever-changing. Time and experience change a lot of things, especially those which had an immense impact. Some change for the better, some for the worse; but it will be ongoing.

Assumptions can only go a certain distance.

Question is, can you accept that change and believe in the (desire to) change of the OTHER person?

~..Back when I was a child,
before life removed all the innocence..

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