Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A reminder...

I don't know what led to this train of thoughts, but they're definitely not directed to anyone, nor to myself. Perhaps indirectly, to myself. I can't be certain.

Try not just criticise as though you know more than another person.
Giving negative comments do not improve any outcome.
If you so wish to reprimand someone about their idea/thoughts/actions, do so with educational input. Your thoughts are yours alone and if u like to share it with another, make sure there is an impact - provide logical reasons etc. Do not repel if u wish to influence.
Support and understand why first.

People are all different and indifferent.
You might have your own ways to do things, and they might have theirs. And when these two do not come together cohesively, understand this and come to a standpoint where both are acceptable. Let it go if you think its not worth the negative emotions. Take your time in that too, but not too long, afterall, like previously said, its not worth it. Some minor issues can be considered as artifacts of life. See the bigger picture.

I'm taking the positives, learning from the lesser ones and brushing over the negatives. :)

p/s: i am such a shy person!

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