Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Third Law

I learnt something valuable over the past 2 days. I was upset by a past memory and speaking to a friend made me realise a few things.

Who do you turn to when you need someone?

Friends can be there for you, but they are not required to. It is their choice whether or not they want to be there for you. They do not have a responsibility or obligation to be there for you. This is not a new revelation but it was a reinstatment. And I thank this friend who was there for me, deeply.

You’re on your own, most of the time. But yet, you’re never really alone. I am one who believes in what comes around goes around. Do not do unto others what you don’t want to be done unto you. Be true to yourself. Don’t expect someone to treat you perfectly when you’re full of imperfections. Cherish and appreciate those who stick to you through your flaws and valuing your strengths. But this would only go until a certain extent because if you refuse to acknowledge and recognise serious flaws even when it is put in front you, you are not going to go far and neither would the people close to you. I've learnt it the hard way. Respect what others have to say but you don’t have to take everything on board. Whoever said that they are right all the time?

There are many people whom I have come across in my short life and learnt so much from them. The crazy laughter that they induced will never be forgotten. I want to forget the deep hurt that I have experienced or make it into something better. At times, I think it was to protect myself and thus I have translated that into hatred. Yet, there is an opposite end involved too. I hope I am able to grow away and out of certain issues. I would like to face my future in a more positive manner.
The best thing I learnt yesterday, was that after all the whining and grumblings, the tears and cries, is that, what can be LEARNT from them?

This again, is taken with a pinch of salt. Nothing is ever completely or perfectly right. Sometimes, we are allowed to do things without reasons.

People can put up a strong front. The stronger you think someone is, don’t forget about Newton’s Third law. There is an equally strong opposing force. When you are in admiration of someone strong, don’t forget the unseen opposing force that he/she is facing.

I hurt my finger today, and I am unable to use it. But God has blessed me with 9 others which are now compensating for that lost of usage. We adapt, we learn, and the other fingers will grow stronger until that affected one is healed and together, they will be back to normal, in fact, perhaps stronger than before.

Boston, Massachusetts - Sept 2009

1 comment:

monkticon said...

hello old friend... very "deep" post. I'm always around if you need advice. ;)